Monday, 28 November 2011

The raw files look flat in the modules when they were vibrant in the import dialogue

I have seen more than a few people asking the question about why their files look lovely and vibrant on the camera screen and in the import dialogue (and as thumbnails in explorer or finder), but when they've been imported to LR, they become dull and flat.

The answer, apart from canon raw files being flatter than those from nikons (canon user here so it's not manufacturer fanboy bias), in my experience (5d2 raws compared to d700 raws) is that all those places show a rendering of the embedded .jpg file in the raw data.

All the raw files that I'm aware of, and if anyone reading this knows different, please correct me by linking to your information, have a jpg rendering of the image embedded within the raw data and this is what the camera screen displays, the OS file managers show and the import dialogue reads for display. Once the images are imported into the catalogue, the raw data is used to build the preview (unless this option has been altered from the default) and to build the image you see on screen when processing your images (if preview building is turned off) and when you zoom to 1:1 in loupe view.

"Loading" as the beautiful Fredau is rendered by LR.
The reason they're different is that your camera will have applied some kind of processing to the data before saving the jpg preview in the raw file. Check your picture styles on the camera for what processing is applied and you can then make yourself a preset to do that kind of thing as a develop preset in LR should you choose.
And I couldn't have a pixellated version of Fredau in this post without posting a proper image of her. She's far too beautiful and talented as a model to ever be left as a pixellated half-render.

HTH someone. Happy shooting and editing.

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