Tuesday, 8 November 2011

Lightroom presets and how to make them

Lightroom (LR) rocks, to borrow a phrase from the TV. I couldn't get by editing my shoots without it nowadays. Everything else is just so much slower.

The very best thing about LR is the preset functionality. If you make something when playing with the sliders which you think you might like to use again, just make a preset so you can. How do you do that? Well, there are plenty of tutorials on how to do so, and I think it might be best for me not to add to the list, so I'll link a few on youtube which I think explains it most easily.

Here is one from FroKnowsPhoto and it does exactly what it says on the tin: How to make a preset. The video is in the link if you'd prefer to watch it direct from the youtube site, or you can just watch it here:

As the presenter notes in the video, its important to only have in your presets the things which make that preset special and not to change everything. This video is for develop presets, but the other modules can have presets made and the principle is the same. I'll cover some print module presets in future posts

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